The Storage WallMML Furniture | STORAGE & CUPBOARDS | The Learning & Storage Walls | The Storage Wall The Storage Wall Ref: WBA76001ABOUTSPECDELIVERYThe Storage Wall provides a variety of storage solutions with its cupboards and tray unit storage facilities. Featuring 4 top cupboards, 2 middle cupboards along with 2 tray storage units, 2 floor cupboards together with a further 2 floor tray units. The tray units come with a total of 24 Gratnells deep trays and a total of 48 Gratnells shallow trays - in a variety of colours to choose from (choose from menu below when ordering)Overall dimensions of storage wall: (HxWxD)2100 x 4080 x 480mm Each of the units that make up the Storage Wall will be delivered assembled, ready to be built into the full wall.Manufactured in a high quality 18mm mdf beech finish along with plastic edging to ensure long life. Overall dimensions of storage wall: (HxWxD)2100 x 4080 x 480mm Please allow up to 4 weeks for delivery. Free delivery on everything. Each of the units that make up the Storage Wall will be delivered assembled, ready to be built into the full wall. More... Shallow Tray Colour: Please selectClearSunshine YellowTropical OrangeFlame RedFuchsia PinkPlum PurpleMidnight BlueRoyal BlueCyan BlueSteel BlueCornflower BlueGrass GreenJolly LimeJet BlackCharcoal GreySilver Light GreyJelly KiwiJelly LemonJelly BlueberryJelly StrawberryJelly GrapeCustom (Call to specify)Deep Tray Colour: Please selectClearSunshine YellowTropical OrangeFlame RedFuchsia PinkPlum PurpleMidnight BlueRoyal BlueCyan BlueSteel BlueCornflower BlueGrass GreenOlive GreenJolly LimeJet BlackCharcoal GreySilverLight GreyJelly KiwiJelly BlueberryJelly StrawberryCustom (Call to specify) Add Locking Doors to Storage Wall + £201.20Quantity: MML price with free delivery: £4,586.60
MML Furniture | STORAGE & CUPBOARDS | The Learning & Storage Walls | The Storage Wall
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