Hille ErgoStak Chair


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Hille ErgoStak Chair

MML Furniture | CHAIRS |  Hille ErgoStak Chair


Hille ErgoStak Chair
Hille ErgoStak Chair - view 1Hille ErgoStak Chair - view 2Hille ErgoStak Chair - view 3
Hille ErgoStak Chair - view 4Hille ErgoStak Chair - view 5 

Hille ErgoStak Chair

O/A Width
5 430mm482mm
6 460mm482mm

The Hille ErgoStak chair achieves all the essential maintenance-free durability of an all plastic chair, but it also responds to the demand for a sleeker, better looking chair for new and future classrooms.

• Minimum quantity is 8 chairs

ErgoStak has been designed to achieve much higher levels of ergonomic postural support than the existing all-plastic chairs on the market. This is a result of over 12 years of research and development (using Actiposture TM systems) and through finely tuned support of the pelvic/lower spine enables greater levels of student concentration – the only all-plastic chair that properly does this.

• Minimum quantity is 8 chairs

Please allow up to 3-4 weeks for delivery

• Minimum quantity is 8 chairs

  • 430mm (11-14 yrs) - £24.20   
  • 460mm (13+ yrs) - £25.10   


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Hille Ergostak Chair - Random Colour
Hille Ergostak Chair - Random Colour - view 1Hille Ergostak Chair - Random Colour - view 2Hille Ergostak Chair - Random Colour - view 3
Hille Ergostak Chair - Random Colour - view 4Hille Ergostak Chair - Random Colour - view 5Hille Ergostak Chair - Random Colour - view 6

Hille Ergostak Chair - Random Colour

During the manufacturing process and between production colour changes, elements of each colour are inevitably blended/mixed together creating unusual and random effects. Because of this colour process, the first run of chairs often have a striking and interesting/random look for each chair produced.

Whilst these are normally recycled, we feel these chairs would be ideal for modern cafe areas, art classrooms or any modern environment setting.

• Minimum quantity is 9 chairs

• Due to the colour process and randomness of the colours available - Hille Ergostak Random chairs will vary in colour and are non-returnable

Random colours

ErgoStak has been designed to achieve much higher levels of ergonomic postural support than the existing all-plastic chairs on the market. This is a result of over 12 years of research and development (using Actiposture TM systems) and through finely tuned support of the pelvic/lower spine enables greater levels of student concentration – the only all-plastic chair that properly does this.

• Minimum quantity is 9 chairs

Please allow up to 3-4 weeks for delivery

• Minimum quantity is 9 chairs

  • 430mm (11-14 yrs) - £21.80   
  • 460mm (13+ yrs) - £22.60   


Please note - all prices are subject to VAT at the appropriate rate

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